Well, I don't think you can get any cuter than that ! I guess its all in the eye of the beholder. Diego got to go to the puppy spa, at Petsmart. He was so excited to be around other people and other dogs. He is so clean now and he as you can tell by the pictures is exhausted. I asked the lady if he was to wild and she said no, but she then suggested puppy training. :) I think he must have given them a hard time.
7 years ago
How funny that they have a spa for puppies. And even funnier that your puppy LOVED it!! HA HA HA.
Shayle, I am so bad about commenting, but I do read your blog and love to see how things are going for you! Very cute dog, very wonderful husband...I hope you're having a wonderful summer!
Hi Shayle! I am now a blogger, it is very exciting! I have loved reading about your cute family and your dog is so cute! I hope things are going great for you guys! Love ya!
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