This one is kinda fun!! I'm sure He'll Love the Picture ;) It's just so much of his personality I had to put it in.
1) Where did you meet?
We met through a mutual friend (Beaver), and we went on our first official date to a corn maze and got crazy muddy!2) How long did you date before you got married?
10 months.3) How long have you been married?
3 years4) What is your favorite feature of his?
The smile he has when he can't think of what to say when I shock him with something I've said.5) What is your favorite quality of his?
His genuine kind heart and his country boy personality.6) Does he have a nickname for you?
Shay, and squirt (but I hate squirt)7) What is his favorite food?
Steak and Potatoes, "What else do you need?"8) What is his favorite sport?
Football9) When and where was your first kiss?
Our first kiss was pretty quick after we met, (ya we moved fast) and it was in my apt. My favorite kiss was up Logan canyon while dancing in the rain (ahhh)10) What is your favorite thing to do as a couple?
We love camping and spending our time together. We also both love watching sports!11) Do you have any children?
Not yet ;) (not for a lack of trying:P )12) Does he have a hidden talent?
he has this incredible ability to remember everything! He know all my extended family by name and thats like over 100 people. Anything with numbers is put to memory. Birthdays, Anniversaries,13) How old is he?
He is 28 (old man) :)14) Who said "I love you" first?
I did, I was actually a slip, but after a few awkward minutes, actually a few awkward days he finally returned the favor and we both said it to each other. 15) What is his favorite type of music?
James loves Country! Especially George Strait, and the occasional Kid Rock. He use to be more crazy, but he has calmed down (music wise)16) What do you admire the most about him?
His hard work and his positive attitude. He always has the ability to lift me up out of my slumps, and he can always put the right spirit in any situation.17) Do you think he will read this?
Yea he likes to read my blog updates.I tag Seri, Adri, and Beth