I wish I could say we were visiting this Castle or that we were going there, but no I just thought you might find it interesting. Ryan is serving in Germany right now and he told us he visited this castle last week I thought it was so beautiful, not only the castle but the country around it. It is the Hohenzollern Castle in Hechingen Germany which is in the south western part of German. Anyway, nothing to exciting has happened this past week. I'm sure most of you heard about the earthquake in Wells, Nevada. I didn't feel it because I was sleeping, but I laughed when I talked to James and found out he had felt it while sitting on the toilet at work.
What a place to be!

The snow is finally melting and of course is now causing flooding around Logan. I'm just glad we can see grass around the edges of the lawn! It's also nice having temperatures above freezing.
I want to visit that castle :) How cool is that! YAY for melting snow, and warmer weather.
See Here or Here
I am so glad that you have a blog! We need to get together and have a pupyy play date now that it is warmer. I thought you took pictures of Teddy, my dog, cause he is a little yorkie like the one you watched!
James you have been tagged, look at our blog to see the rules.
How is Ryan doing? It looks like he is in a beautiful place. Dave felt the earthquake, but I didn't. Dave wants the snow to stay, but I am glad it is melting.
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