The rules are: Once you have been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 3 people to be tagged. Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "you've been tagged" on their profile and tell them to read your blog.
1. I am a musical phenomenon I like Country, EMINEM and Brittney Spears. (kind of scary)
2. I hate going to the bathroom! (I just think its a waste of time but don't worry I am a big girl :P )
3. I can't seem to make a good chocolate chip cookie, they are either really cakey or flat.
4. My favorite movie is Hook. (I never want to grow up)
5. I love going to school sporting events, basketball, football, hockey. Go Aggies!
6. James has a serious obsession with Mt Dew and Transformers.
7. I love the series Twilight and I have been following the movie's progress.
8. Oh boy I almost forgot we Love the Denver Broncos (James would have been so disappointed if I forgot that one.)
9. I love pickles, popcorn, pizza, and cheese (especially squeaky cheese)
10. The my favorite TV series are Scrubs, The Office, and Criminal Minds and sadly American Idol.
Well, thats ten