Porter had his 2 month appointment today. He was such a trooper through those shots, and really has been good all day. He weight's 12 lbs. 15 oz and is 24 3/4inches long. The Dr. laughed and called him "a little 6 month old". Its crazy to think about how much he has grown and to realize with such a difficult start at life Porter is doing amazingly well. These are some pictures of today to show you how much he has grown. We had a Wonderful Christmas and Christmas Eve!! Porter and I made stained glass sugar cookies Christmas eve. They are sugar cookies with a hole cut out that you put candy cane pieces and they melt to make a stain glass window. They were fun! We spent Christmas Eve with our friends Sam and Chelsie and their 2 girls, and James brother Jason and his girlfriend Casi. We ate a delicious dinner and put on our christmas pj's and watched the movie a child is born. We checked where Santa was all night long on the Santa tracker by NORAD. Christmas Morning was fun with my little family! Porter wasn't to happy when i put his Santa hat on. Here's the Christmas Tree with all the goodies Santa brought. James and I made our stocking together our first Christmas so I made Porters Stocking for his first Christmas. I thought it turned out so cute. After mom and dad opened his presents Porter was a bit tired and became our Christmas Present. Which is the best present EVER! I have been meaning to post pictures of Diegos Puppies for quite sometime now. There were 6 and we lost 3 in the first few days. So there are only 3 left, but they all all very healthy girls. They are so cute, and are starting to play with each other and bite their ears. They are 3/4boxer and 1/4 chocolate lab. If you know anyone who would like a puppy let me know. They will be ready to go to their homes the middle to end of January.
James and I met in fall of 2004. James asked me to marry him on April 22 2005. We were married in the Denver Temple July 30th 2005. We now have two little boys and are enjoying every minute of our little family.
Looks like you guys had a fun Christmas. Porter is getting so big! Love you guys!!!!
Porter is getting so big! Sounds like you guys had a good Christmas! THose cookies you made sound cute. Maybe you can share the recipe:-)
Geez what have you been feeding that boy? He is a monster! :) good work on the cookies, they looked great. I get to see you tomorrow! WOOT!!
i went one.mom and dad said i can have on
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