We had Porters baby blessing on the third of January. It was a crazy busy weekend, but we had a lot of fun. He looked so handsome and was so good through the blessing. I wish I could say the morning went that peaceful. I had heard the horror stories of blessing day, but I had no idea. I woke him up and fed him in only his diaper so we wouldn't ruin his clothes. As I changed his diaper he peed and peed and peed all over me, himself, and our bed !!! He never pees on me! After that I cleaned up the mess and then he spit up all over me, himself and again the bed. We have never had such a difficult time. I finally got him dressed and myself dressed and we were safe.....for now. We took pictures of my family before the meeting because my dad had to leave right after the meeting for the airport, so he could go back to the Marshall Islands. After the meeting we took more pictures and then went to our apt and served fruit and bagels. It was yummy! My Aunt Brenda took Porter and was feeding him when all of the sudden she felt warm. Yup it had only been 2 hrs. and he had peed though his diaper all over his clothes and my aunt. Aside from later realizing James and I never got a picture with Porter the blessing day horrors were over. James and I dressed back up a week later and took pictures at our house. I couldn't believe we had forgotten! Here are some fun pictures of the day...

He was a bit tired and defiantly done with taking pictures! I had to get one with the afghan my Great grandma Ruth made for my Blessing. My mom made the blue one for Porter, it is so cute!

Here's our family photo (a week later ugh!!)

Great Grandpa and Grandma Larsen

Great Grandma Petersen

My Family (Grandma and Grandpa Petersen, Auntie Nicole, Larissa, and Kirsten, and Uncle Ryan)

James Family (Grandpa and Grandma Holman, Uncle Alan, Aaron, and Jason, Auntie Tori, and Cara, and soon to be Casi :) Along with cousins Alec, Baron, Chaz, and Denver)

We had everyone over for the new years celebrations, we ate tons of yummy food and played games. At midnight we blew horns and popped poppers, and blew air horns, and screamed in the new year! It was so much fun.

Chaz and his "mohawk" he was a trooper to let me take the picture. It will be good black mail someday.

Here is a little video of Porter kind of giggling. He's so funny as soon as he sees the camera he gets a serious face and just stares at it. Typical boy right?!
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