Friday, November 13, 2009

First Real Bath

I just had to show off Porter's "I heart my Mommy" T-shirt. He looks so cute in it and it makes me happy, so I thought I would share the joy.
We gave Porter his first real bath last night. He absolutely loved it! We both felt bad getting him out, because as happy as he was in the bath he was that unhappy when it was over. It was probably a little flash back of the good old days in Mommy's tummy. :) Here's a little video of his fun.

Today we tried out the swing and he really liked that as well. He looked so small in it and I felt like I was strapping him in for a roller coaster ride with all the seat belts. It didn't take long after his exploration of the swing and he was asleep.This is another video, I thought it was cute and that our families would enjoy it, since they don't get to see him everyday. Oh and we wanted to thank Stickbug Nicole for the inherited hiccups. ;)


Jenny Erazo said...

He is so cute Shayle!

Matt and Serenity Stewart said...

He is so cute!!! Can't wait till thanksgiving so I can meet this little man!!!

Dax and Steph said...

Me and Ryan watched the videos together and he just giggled and said "baby!". Your little guy is really cute. Enjoy this time because they grow up way too fast!

Jen Hancock said...

shay he is beautiful! How exciting! I'm so looking forward to Thanksgiving so I can see all these new members of our family! Love you!

Royce and Deanne Wooly said...

Oh Shay, he is absolutely adorable! How fun to see the video of him in the bath, what a cutie! I love you guys