Yikes! I can't believe how long it's been since I last posted. We've had a busy couple of weeks. We went to Colorado for Nicole's Graduation. We actually were only able to go for her seminary graduation but we had a really fun time. We went over James' Birthday!
Happy 28th Birthday James!!!
Growing up we started the tradition of decorating the Birthday boys room with toilet paper. Kirsten wanted to do that for James so heres a few pictures of him discovering his room all decorated.

Saturday the 17th was his birthday. He was good to share his birthday with Nicole, who we surprised with a surprise birthday party, Saturday morning. Her birthday is April 3rd but she hurt her knee so my mom couldn't throw the surprise party she had planned. So she moved it to may 17th and really surprised her. All her friends came over in their pj's early that morning, and went into her room and woke her up. She was so surprised. It was a lot of fun. We all then went downstairs and everyone special ordered different waffles. It was such a cute idea. Nicole's friends filled a plate with whipped cream and smashed it in her face!! It was great. Heres a couple pictures of that.

Later that night we all went to a Colorado Rockies Game!! It was very hot, but it turned out be be very fun. The Rockies won and that made it that much better. Heres us at the game.

Sunday night was Nicole's Seminary Graduation. Each senior makes a table of all their interests and accomplishments. This is a picture of Nicole's. She looked so pretty! I can't believe I didn't get a picture of her, but oh well. Its crazy to think that she's graduated!!

We also celebrated Mothers Day! I know we threw everything into one weekend. We got her a Wax warmer thing that are great and are really popular in Utah right now. I have one and I love it!!

Kirsten and Diego were inseparable ! She loved playing with him. This is a funny picture of her riding Diego like a horse.

Late Sunday night we stayed up talking and playing games. We gave Nicole this hoodie for her Graduation present and she loved it. I was glad to really hit this one on the head.

Monday we went home and Tuesday it was back to work. We were hit hard with reality when we got back and James was let go from his job. Work in Logan has been really slow with everything becoming so expensive. So his work financially couldn't keep him on. He then spent the next couple days looking for a job and we just kept hearing that everyone was having to let people go. After a lot of prayers and pondering, he got two job offers today and will begin working next Tuesday!! We really feel that this has all been for the best and that Heavenly Father knows our situation and has answered our prayers. Anyway Memorial Day Weekend we spent with Sam and Chelsie. The weather wasn't that great but we had a barbecue and tried to enjoy the weekend as much as possible. We made James his traditional Birthday cake and it was yummy!!

This is cute Allie enjoying some yummy chocolate cake.
How fun!! I would have loved to have seen you while you were here, but I was out of town that whole time! Bummer. But fun that you got to come and do so much while you were here. I just LOVE your little sisters. They are so great!! :)
Your family is so cute, sounds like you had a blast!! I am so glad!! I am so sorry about the job, we have been there. And I can tell you that everything happens for a reason and I am so glad that he has another one already!! Love ya girl!
That is awesome! You and your sisters all look more and more alike as they grow up!
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