YEA!!!! I finally made it through another school year! Finals all went really good and I"m just glad they are over. I'll blame my lack of blogging on my intense studying, haha. I had my internship interview and everything is good to go in the fall. I went to the Box Elder School District and had a background check and was issued a name badge. Its all so exciting. Saturday April 26th, my cousin Josh's finance took her endowments out in the Logan Temple. James and I were able to go and met up with a bunch of my extended family. The temple endowment was beautiful but it was packed! Which of course is a good thing! After we all went to Chili's for a late lunch. These are some pictures outside the temple, as you can tell it was really windy. This first one is of Josh and his wife Elise.

This past weekend, Josh and Elise were married in the Rexburg ID Temple. My family all went out to Idaho for it. James and I wanted to go but couldn't because of work and finals. Saturday my parents and sisters, came to Logan after being in Idaho. We went to the play Beauty and the Beast.

It was really good, and a lot of fun! We all left singing the songs! Heres a picture of Kirsten singing some of her songs shes learned at her voice lessons.

Half way during the play we realized the Lumier (the candle) was a member of our ward. We said hi to him at the end and Kirsten got his signature and Bell, and the Beast. I was shocked when James leaned over to me during the play and said we should rent this movie, apparently James has never seen Beauty and the Beast!! I guess thats what you get form a guy who grew up with a bunch of boys and one lone girl. We are going to have to rent it. Anyway, After we went back to our apartment, and celebrate Larissa's 15th birthday. I tied to make her a Belle, cake but it didn't turn out quite how I pictured but it sure tasted good. I was going to at least take a picture but I completely forgot. I also forgot to put candles on it and let her blow them out. I was kind of flaky! These are pictures of presents she got. If you look close you can see some of our apt, and our famous towel wrapping. My family stayed till Sunday morning and then it was back to Colorado for school and work. They had a really fast trip, and I was glad I got to see them and have them over to our apt.

Larissa is becoming such a beautiful woman! I'm so proud of her and love being around her and her fun personality. I was so excited that we would get to celebrate her birthday with her! We love you Roo and congrats on being another year older.

It was so much fun having my family come down even though it was only for Saturday afternoon. I love them all so much and am blessed to have such a fun loving family!
Doesn't seeing how much you little sisters are growing make you feel old?
How fun. When we lived away, I used to love having family over. What a fun weekend. Congrats on making it through another school year.
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