Well, Its official I'm one year older and wiser too! I woke to my cell phone going off at 6:30. It was my family and when I answered I got to hear a lovely rendition of happy birthday! Thats always been a family tradition, and although I was still asleep as they sang I just wanted to tell them thanks and even though I'm getting older I still love to hear from them all at the crack of dawn. Thanks Fam!!! We actually celebrated most of my Birthday Sunday. We have a busy week, and especially tonight because I have school and then scouts.

Sunday James baked me a cake and gave me presents. He bought me a MP3 player and I love it!! It has a FM radio in it which I love. I figured out what he got me and thats why I have the goofy face in one of the pictures.

I told him not to get me anything big since we just bought a car but he never listens to me. I'm not complaining though because I love my gift. I found out later that he wanted to do my Birthday on Sunday so I could use the MP3 at work. I've been using a little radio at work, so now I feel all technical! Anyway, I also got the Sara Barellis cd and the We The Kings cd. They are a newer group and they look like their 12 but I love their Juliet song. The whole cd is actually really good also. If any of you get Sara Barellis cd listen to the fairytale song. I love it I think its so catchy. Hey a little side note. We never had wrapping paper for birthdays in my family we always used towels or blankets. James has always thought this was a funny family quark so he has adopted the tradition as you can see in the pictures. Also ignore the pj pants (come on its Sunday, who wears actual clothes on a Sunday! and for those of you who asked to see my new clothes the shirt I'm wearing is one of them. It looks much cuter with jeans on but hey) Today I had classes and James took me out to lunch, which was a fun break in the day.

When I got home from classes Melissa our landlord had written Happy Birthday Shayle on the sidewalk with sidewalk chalk! thanks Melissa. Tonight we have scouts and then we are going to Sam and Chelsie's' for Pizza and movie night! Its been a great day and I just want to thank you all for sending me birthday greetings and for being such wonderful friends and family. I truly feel blessed to have you all in my life.

Ok one last thing we have this big willow bush in our front yard, and our landlords had talked about cutting it down. So last night we went out for like an hour and a half. When we came back we found this!! Its hard to think about it before especially because I didn't take a before picture. It was just so random. They were out doing the final cuts when we got home this was at like 9:30 at night. they had just got their little boy down for the night and they figured that would be the best time to get it done. I think it will look so nice when its all done. By the way if you haven't seen our house thats it in the back! We love our quiet street!

Happy Birthday! Looks like a fun day! We have that same MP3 player and we love it. And I just got that CD and I can't wait to listen to it! What fun! I love birthdays!!
That is awesome! I will have to go listen to that song. Glad that you enjoyed your special day!
Oh and I LOVE your new background! I want to copy.
Happy Birthday Girl! We never did wrapping paper, but we used plastic grocery bags, too funny. I hope you had a great day!!
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