This is what we have been up to...
Thomas came home on the 6th of August.
He had a doctors apt at 1 week old and he had gained 1 pound!
He's a great eater and he is a happy baby.
Jim and Linda and Tori came up that weekend to see baby Thomas.
He did what he has done best to all of us, he tagged them peeing through his diaper on to them almost instantly! As the mother I was embarrassed, but what to you do? Take a picture and post it to increase the embarrassment :)

We loved having them visit and take care of me and the baby.
Porter loved having more people to entertain.
Here is Grandma Holman with Thomas.

Grandpa Holman with Thomas

And Tori was brave enough to take the two boys and pose for a picture.
She is a fantastic and fun aunt!

Porter loved helping us change Thomas by holding his hand so he wouldn't fling his arms around. So Cute I'm a proud momma!

Porter had a few adjustments. He made sure to try out all the new baby stuff. It was cute to watch him try to figure out where he fit in. He is a very happy big brother!

Porter loves his dog Scout! He sleeps with him every night and we love it also. It has made putting Porter to bed so easy. We just thought he was so cute cuddling with him.

This cracked me up the other day when I walked in on Porter hanging out with Kirsten's friends, singing Taylor Swift songs. Porter was singing right along with them.

We went to my friend Chantal's baby boys blessing. Her boy Ryan and Thomas are 10 days apart. We laughed when they linked arms, and both of them had just been changed after messing their clothes by peeing and pooing through.

Here's Grandma Petersen holding Thomas after work, they look so cute and comfy.

Porter is into Elephants right now and my sister Larissa gave him this elephant, he loves it and would cry for his elephant at night.

Thomas new towel from our friend back in Logan.
He looks so cute all wrapped up in it.
He is loving his baths now and enjoys a warm snuggle after.

We went to Sanford for Labor day. We had a great time and enjoyed going up to the mountains for a hotdog roast. Grandma Holman watched Thomas for me while we played horseshoes. He was happy to be snugly warm in Grandmas arms.

Here is Porter and Denver his cousin.
They are best friends and love to play together.

Porter loved throwing rocks into the stream that was flowing by.

Great Grandma Holman with Thomas. She was so sweet with him, and he loved being held by her. It was so nice to be able to visit her while we were in Sanford.

Porter loved having Great Grandma Holman read to him especially when its a Dr. Seuss Book. We loved seeing family and spending time with them for labor day.
It was hard to leave and get back to life.

Thomas has grown so much we can't believe it. He has been hitting his toys with his hands and loves to talk to them and smile at the elephants

Cute Cute boy!
Wearing his outfit from Great Grandma Petersen.

Kirsten is a good helper, but in this case she fell asleep and then a few minutes later she almost dropped Thomas while they both were still asleep.
It was actually pretty funny, and she really is a big help to me!

My boys!!
I came home from a walk with Porter and found James all dressed up,
and he had dressed up Thomas.

Here is the whole family ready for the Bronco's game!! Ya even mom gets into it.

Thomas was wearing an outfit made for one of the Build a Bears,
he looked so cute but he wasn't to thrilled about all the pictures.

Ryan is my best at taking naps with Thomas, he is always willing to hold him while he's asleep and tends to fall asleep himself. :)

Porters favorite food right now is Spaghetti!
He eats so much when we have it for dinner and begs for it when we don't have it.

We just celebrated my dads birthday, we decided to give him money so he could take my mom on a motorcycle ride through the mountains to see the fall leaves. This has always been a dream of his.

Here's a little grin on Thomas' face, he loves to coo at us and that makes everyone smile.

Porter Loves Pudding, I'm sure that's no surprise but how he decided to eat it this time was a surprise. I just had to laugh.
So cute!!!! Thomas is a doll!!! {So is Porter} We need to get our little guys together sometime :) It would be fun!!!
He is SO CUTE! I can't believe how perfect Thomas's little face is. I was in tears reading your birth story. I can't believe how blessed we are to have hospitals and OR's and everything. Although, I would have been insane in that situation. I am amazed at how well you did! You are my new inspiration if I have a delivery like that. If you can do it, and so well, then maybe I would barely survive :D
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