As many of you probably know we are going to be having another BOY!!
I am due July 27th and aside from a sinus infection I have been feeling fantastic! Here are a few ultrasound pictures from our apt. I loved this one with his hands in his mouth looking right at us! So cute!!

Here is the proof :)

This picture looks just like the one we have of Porter. We laughed so hard, because of his fist right over his nose. Silly little man!

Porter has been doing really well, he loves wrestling and bouncing on whoever is on the floor. He had a Dr. apt, recently and weighted 26 lbs. He is growing fast and is "doing beautifully" according to his Pediatrician. He is saying so many words here are a few;
"Did it!" " Stop It"(he uses this one to yell at the dogs most of the time) "Wee!" "Mom!" "Da!" "Sadie" "Happy" "Jesus Christ" "Mmm Good!" "Hi" "Bye"
He is very good at mimicking what we say.
He loves to give knuckles and pull Grandpa Petersen's finger (for a surprise). He loves to throw balls and food, and loves loves loves going outside. He also loves music and his cowboys boots. He is a very happy boy and seems to bring everyone joy!

Porter enjoying a Super Bowl treat! Yeah go Green Bay!!

Here he is getting ready to go play in the snow, all I had for him were his cowboy boots. He was happy to wear them but they weren't ideal for the snow, oh well.

Porter and Daddy in the snow. I have a great video of Porter going sledding but I haven't figured how to get them on to the blogs yet.

Porter loves his dump truck! He has tried and tried to sit in the back and it always dumps him out so he has moved on to a new technique.

Porter loves feeling like a big boy and sitting on the couch with eveyone.

I caught him getting his own snack of fishy crackers the other day and just had to laugh. He was so proud. I also loved the boots!

We had a very fun Valentines day.
Porter loved his little cars, and his stuffed monkey from Daddy.

He also enjoyed a special treat of Strawberry Shortcake for dessert. James surprised me a work by filling my car with a cute Valentines Card and Candy and a beautiful necklace. I work about 30 minutes away from home so my favorite part was the note in the card that read "ps please call so I can get a ride home" my mom had dropped him off at my work. So Sweet!

Porter and I went to the Childrens Museum and had a very fun time. He loved running around and touching everything.

His favorite part was the little table with the play utensils. He was so cute and then...

He just couldn't pretend anymore he had to take a bite!

Anything that looked like a seat his size he tried sitting on, he loves anything his size. I thought this fire truck was really cool, it was a bit to old for him but he humored me by letting me snap a quick picture.

This magnet board was very fun! Like the fridge at home but much bigger! :)

Another one of Porters favorite things is baked beans! He will see them and beg and beg for some. He stuffs his cheeks to the max and wants more.

Here is my latest creation. It's a rainbow cake I made for St. Patrick's Day. It was very fun to make, but unfortunately tasted nasty, so next time I will make some definite changes to the recipe.

Kirstens Birthday is today and this weekend we had a very fun party for her. She had a Kidnapping mystery party and all her friends came dressed.

Here she is blowing out her candles on her mystery cake!
Make a wish

Well thats what we have been up to. James is still working and going to school, and I am still working at the daycare, so I haven't had much time, especially with the computer. I will try and get better at posting.
1 comment:
Yay! I am glad you finally updated your blog :)Ooh I love the pictures of Porter at the museum! He is so cute!
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