We just got back from a fun vacation to Colorado for Nicole and Marc's Wedding. Porter and I flew out a week before the wedding and than James joined us early Thursday morning. This is us at the airport saying goodbye. James and I have never been apart since we were married almost 5 years ago, so this was pretty hard on us. It was especially hard on James to let me take Porter. It didn't help that our flight was about 2 hours late. Porter did great on the flight and didn't seem to mind the pressure changes.
Trying to kill time waiting for our plane by taking pictures.

YEA Our Plane is finally here!!

Kirsten loved playing with Porter and was a great babysitter for me!

One morning Nicole had a practice hair and makeup run with Delia. We took advantage of that and went out and took some bridal shots. It was me my mom and Larissa and Nicole. We had 4 digital cameras there and ended up with 400 beautiful pictures!

Here's Nicole all squished in the car.

We did everything we had to get the perfect picture. Yes that is Larissa on my moms shoulders taking a picture above Nicole. The one they ended up taking was absolutely beautiful!


Nicole feeding Porter, he loved sitting at the table like a big boy.

You would never be able to tell, but while I was in Colorado Porter got really really sick! We had to take him to the urgent care center and they gave him an antibiotic, steroids, and breathing treatments. The doctor told us that if he got any worse we needed to take him to the ER without hesitation. Luckily he improved everyday.
Cool Dude

One night, me and my friends in Colorado got together. It had been a long time since we had been together.

Thursday Evening we fixed a small dinner for Nicole and Marc's families, before we all headed off to the temple for Nicole's Endowment. It was very fun getting to know everyone.

Nicole and Marc on their way to the temple to get Nicole's Endowment.

I didn't get many pictures of the actual wedding because I was running around like a crazy person, so here are the few I have.
Porter with my Bouquet.

Cutting the Cake AWE!!!

First Dance
(some how every picture I have they are kissing hummm)

Their get away car, was decorated so cute by his family.

Larissa and Jackie it was so good to see Nanc and Jackie!!

James and Porter. James and I had been so busy running around and trying to fix problems that porter was just passed around all night. He was an amazing baby.

Nicole and Marc Leaving the Reception
Bubbles Everywhere!!

At the end of the night we had to clean up the reception, and man what a mess. Porter had enough and after stripping him down he fell asleep on the way home. What a day phew!

The next day we all were running on no sleep and Marc and Nicole came back to open their wedding gifts. My favorite was this red bag with none other than Ryan in it.

This is a baby bird in my parents tree. They were very cute.

Oh yea, through out all the chaos of a wedding, Porter bit down on my finger the next morning and I felt something sharp. Teeth!!!
Apparently he was cutting teeth on Nicole wedding day. Humm he was such a happy baby, I never would have guessed
He loves to hear his teeth with a spoon.

Sunday we were bummed because we never got to go swimming, so we set up the baby pool for Porter. He also had a sore bum so we thought it might help him.
My dad dumped Kirsten in the pool, because she kept splashing him. So she got to swim with Porter.

That is one white naked boy. :)

Monday we headed back to Utah, but we stopped in Laramie Wy to see James brother Alan.

Oh it was good to be home, but we had a great time!!
That was a fun but crazy couple of days! I can't wait to get the pictures all edited! There's alot of them but they all turned out so cute
WOW you were busy! It looks like you had a great time:)
Thanks again for coming! You really were a life saver and I am so grateful that you came down early! And maybe me and Marc like kissing ;) haha
You are such a good big sister, it was fun to see you guys and spend some time together!!! I love you
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