Sorry its been a while, I have been pretty unsocial for the last 2 weeks, while I have been studying for my Social Work Licensing exam. Porter has been a good boy and has gotten another tooth the past couple weeks. He now has 2 bottom teeth. Well, Porter is a bit of a late bloomer and has finally started rolling all around. Because of this he keeps getting stuck under and in things.

In all his rolling he keeps getting stuck under our couches.

Our Little escape artist in the making.

Porter and Mom

While in Denver Larissa and I went to a garage sale and found this cute drum, that sings and lights you. Porter loves rhythm and bouncing to the music. He is getting really good and beating the drum. He also started clapping the other day, its so cute he's so happy. I'll try and get a picture, he oped one hand completely and the other he leaves his fingers bent in half. Silly boy :)

We went to Provo this weekend and stayed with Marc and Nicole in their new place. It was very cute and a lot of fun. Nicole had a yummy cake made for us. Unfortunately we had to leave early this morning for Sandy so I could take my Social Work Licensing Exam. I was freaking out nervous (and that's an understatement). After a 3 hour long stressful exam I finished and PASSED!!!! So now I'm a licensed Social Worker, Watch Out :)

After my test today we ran to our friends Sam and Chelsie's and enjoyed their little girl Shaylie's 1st Birthday Party. It was a lot of fun to see them and celebrate.
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