Weight: 15 lbs 63 oz (16%)
Length: 27 inches (69%)
Head: 17.7 inches (82%)
He has actually lost weight since his last appointment, and the Doctor was a bit worried so we made another appointment in a month so make sure it doesn't go down any more. I'm not to concerned this last week he has eaten like crazy so I'm sure he'll get some more baby fat on him. Other than that he did great even with the shots. He only screamed for a little bit :)Length: 27 inches (69%)
Head: 17.7 inches (82%)
As you an see he is sitting very good, we still put pillows by him for the occasional nose dive. He loves food!! He hasn't had one thing yet that he doesn't love. He begs for our food every time James or I have any. The only thing he has shown a bit of indifference to was the lamb and gravy baby food that his crazy aunt Nicole gave him. He cried after the 4th or 5th bite. (I don't blame him at all!!) He was given the cute farm book at the doctors office today. He loves it and has almost destroyed it with slobber already.
1 comment:
Cute pic Shayle.tell James that i said hi.and grandma told me to tell u to give porter kiss fro her
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