A few weeks ago my family came out for their spring break. We had so much fun being together and celebrating Kirsten and Marc's Birthdays!! Marc was able to experience and I might add enjoy our family tradition of singing individually to the birthday boy or girl. He was a trooper! We spent a lot of time looking at wedding dresses. It was hard to help Nicole pick just one because she looked so beautiful in everything she tried on. This is Larissa and Porter in one of the Wedding Shops.

Grandma Petersen feeding Porter some cereal. Yummy

Kirsten putting Porter to sleep for me. What a big helper!

A few days later it was time to head to Sanford Colorado for my nephew Alec's Baptism. Porter did great during the drive. We left at about 7pm and arrive in Sanford at 5am. It was a long night but it was much easier with Porter that way. Here is Uncle Alan holding Porter.

Grandpa Holman with a happy naked Porter. Porter is always happiest when he is naked. Silly kid.

We were able to go to Alamosa to see James Great Grandma and get a 5 generation picture!! It is so nice to have so many generations of loving family members.

Saturday was Alec's Baptism. James I and had the privilege to talk on Baptism and the Holy Ghost. Alec was so handsome and he beamed with happiness. Here he is with his new scriptures!

Here is the family after the baptism. Alec was such a proud big brother.

Here is Porter with his great grandma Holman.

Here he is with his great grandma and grandpa Price.

This was the morning we were leaving and Porter was so comfy snuggling with his Grandma Holman. Its so hard living so far apart.

A while ago our dog Diego and our landlords dog had puppies. James brother Aaron took one, so we were able to see it, she is so cute and just as crazy as Diego. I was proud puppy mommy!

Last week Nicole and Marc and Ryan came down for Easter. The day before was Nicole's birthday so we made a delicious dinner while the men went to priesthood. We had a yummy birthday cake with 20 candles.

Easter morning, everyone was surprised to see the Easter bunny found us all, even though we all live so far apart.

Porter loved his giant frog and all his Easter eggs.

We ate a big breakfast of waffles and strawberry's and sausages, and watched general conference. After we headed down to my Grandma Larsen's Birthday party! We had so much fun seeing everyone.

Phew that was another long post! We have been staying very busy. Last week we went under contract to buy the home we are renters in. We are very excited and hope everything goes as planned and we will have bought our first home by the middle of may.