We had a fun Valentines Weekend. Ryan came and stayed with us Friday to Sunday. Friday night we went and saw Avatar in 3-D with Ryan. It was soooo good! I loved it and highly recommend seeing it especially in 3-D. Saturday we went to lunch at Texas Roadhouse. Yumm it was delicious, and we had so many left overs we ate our left overs for the next couple meals.

It was so much fun hanging out with Ryan.
Porter and Ryan had a fun time having staring contests.

Handsome Boys

Silly Family Photo

Happy Valentines Day!! Porter had a fun package from Grandma Petersen, and Auntie Larissa and Kirsten. He Loved it!

These are Porters valentines from Mom and Dad

This is James Valentines

And this is mine. I have to say I was quite spoiled! I have wanted the sign "Always Kiss me goodnight" for a long time, and James made met this one for Valentines!! It looked so good I asked him where he bought it from.

Here are just some fun pictures of Porter

Our Bathroom is no longer a splash free zone! Porter loves his baths and his cute hooded towel

More flower chompin'

This is a little video of Porter and James. Porter's new thing is to touch our faces and try and grab our noses. I think he really wants to suck on our noses but he can't seem to get our noses in his mouth. This video was so sweet I just had to share.
Haha I love the picture of Ryan and Porter staring at each other! I don't blame Porter, Ryan is kinda funny looking. I would probably stare too!
He's so cute! I've been wanting to come over and visit for months now, and now I am laid up with my own newborn :) I have something for ya though and I will try to stop by this week! We are finally getting over being sick at our house! I heard Porter was sick but I'm glad to see he is doing well!
James i hope your ankle will get better. love u
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