Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mean April Fools Virus

Hey Everyone~
I got this email from Nicole at BYU. My mom had also heard about this computer virus on the news. So I thought I would let you all know in case you haven't heard. make sure you get your computer updated tonight. The best thing to do is to make sure your computer has all of the recent updates. That includes Microsoft updates, and whatever security software you have.

Windows Virus Alert:
On April Fool’s day, one of the USB viruses that began proliferating last year is programmed to call home and receive further instructions. The conflicker worm has been identified with three different strains and is primarily transferred by USB drives also commonly called thumb drives. Precautions should be taken on each individual computer running a Microsoft Operating System to ensure system software and antivirus software are up-to-date, and that auto-run has been disabled for attaching drives.

Symptoms that a computer has been infected vary. The following is a list of those that have been identified:
  • Account lockout policies being reset automatically.
  • Certain Microsoft Windows services such as Automatic Updates, Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS), Windows Defender and Error Reporting Services disabled.
  • Domain controllers responding slowly to client requests.
  • Unusual amounts of traffic on local area networks.
  • Websites related to antivirus software becoming inaccessible.

Tools have been created to identify and remove this worm from machines that have been infected. Symantec’s W32.Downadup Removal Tool is located at http://www.symantec.com/business/security_response/writeup.jsp?docid=2009-011316-0247-99. This tool can be downloaded and run on your computer should you suspect it has been infected.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Car Doctor

We have the best landlords ever, and we have become really good friends. They have a 2 and a half year old little boy Cade that just loves James. He always wants James to play with him and to take him on a ride in his truck. The other day his parents asked him what James did when he went to work. They were shocked when Cade said that James is a doctor. They asked him what kind of doctor and he said "a car doctor with tools". I just love how little minds work, they are such creative thinkers trying to figure out the world. I thought that was so cute and just had to share! And its nice to know that I married a Doctor!
James Holman MD :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

USU Basketball

This has been a really fun year for our mens Basketball team! James and I tried to go to as many games as possible, especially since this is my last year at USU. The Aggies only lost 5 games this year, one being the First round in the NCAA tournament. The 11th ranked Aggies played the number 6th ranked team Marquette. The final score was 58-57. It was a close game! They did win the WAC tournament and their coach received the coach of the year in the WAC conference. Here are a couple picture of the team through out this season. The first picture is the team finding out their rank in the NCAA tournament.

Team Time Out
Some of you from Heritage High School remember watching our friend Matt Formisano play. He is a sophomore on the Aggies and has become a really important member of the team. This is a picture of his back. Its hard to take pictures during the game their just to fast! :)
Nicole came up for the Utah State vs. Utah game. We had a fun time. Especially because we beat Utah!!
Thanks for a great season!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Church Ball

I found this shirt and thought it was perfect for this post. If you can't read it it says,
"Church Basketball The Brawl that Begins with Prayer"
James has played in our wards church ball team, and they have only lost 2 games. Last night they played in the Stake Championship game. It was a good game, they had some close moments but in the end they pulled ahead by 10 and won the game!!! James scored 9 pts and had tons of rebounds. I was proud to claim him. (I only claim him when he has a good game) :) He had a few bumps and bruises but all in all everyone survived. I had fun every week sitting on the stage with the other family members talking and cheering on the team. They aren't doing regionals this year so that was the last game. After everyone went to Casper's for celebratory ice cream. We had a fun time and made some great friends. GO 32nd Ward!!!

St Patricks Day

St Patty's Day came really fast for me this year. I usually try and plan a fun Irish type dinner, but I wasn't ready this year. Which turned out to be a good thing, because I was thinking back and we we haven't never liked the meal. So we saved some money on meat and dinner we both don't like. :) Although I did whip up a green meal. We had green eggs and green pancakes with green milk. Heres a picture of the lovely meal, its hard to see the green against the red but it all green. We only had neon food coloring so that made the green really crazy looking.
Luckily my green shirt was clean so I at least got to put that on for the day. James was asked at work where his green was, and he told them all he had a green thong on!! Of Course he didn't but none of the guys he works with were going to make him prove it. (Thank Heavens) :P
We had a scouts that night and really didn't do much other than that. It was a fun change in the week though.