This picture makes me so happy, and makes me want Christmas all the time. We had a really fun Thanksgiving weekend. My family all came up to Logan. We were all together for the first time in 2 years, since my brother left on his mission. It was so good to see Ryan and to hear him speak German. We also had Jason and Casi over for Thanksgiving. Thursday we decided to have a different Thanksgiving dinner because we know we had 2 more that weekend, so we had pulled pork sandwiches. They were delicious!! We had a fun relaxing day, and Porter was able to be loved and snuggled all weekend long, by his Grandma and Grandpa and Aunts and Uncle. I have to say he is definitely spoiled now, and thinks he needs to be held all the time still.

Auntie Roo sleeping with Porter, Aww so cute

Aunt Kirsten, loved holding Porter so much. She was often the one that we had to pull him from to allow others a turn holding him.

Porter with Kirstens bunnies, we thought it was to cute.

Friday afternoon we went to the cabin for the Larsens Thanksgiving. This is the last one we will have, our family is just getting to big. We had about 86 people there, and not everyone was able to make it. We had so much fun seeing all of our family. This is Nicole's roommate Eunjin who spent the weekend with us. She was so fun to get to know and was a trooper putting up with all our family.

To cute sisters, it was so fun to be with everyone!!

Great Grandma Larsen with Porter.

James and I were chosen, because of having the youngest baby boy to be Joseph and Mary in the Nativity we had after dinner.

This is everyone in the Nativity, all the little kids were so cute wanting to be animals. One wanted to be a puppy and another wanted to be a frog. It was a good opening into Christmas.

Santa arrived after the Nativity, and he was FANTASTIC!! We loved him so much. He had the best entrance ever, and we will always remember this Christmas, because of him.

This is all the Great Grandkids that were there, they all exchanged a little gift.

This is Porter in his Reindeer hat (cute Aunt Jan gave it to us, Thanks :) with his gift from the exchange. He didn't seem to be to into it. :)

Proud Daddy with a tired little Reindeer

Great Aunt Carol with Porter, she was so cute with him.

Saturday we had a baby shower and a bridal shower for two of my cousins, and then headed to the Petersen's Thanksgiving. Heres Great Grandma Petersen with Porter.

My Great Uncle Willie loved Porter so much, he loves those little babies.

This is Julie my cousin, with Porter. He looks so comfy.

Porters gift from the cousin exchange with the Petersen's.

This was James gift, All the guys freaked out over it and had a fun time shooting everyone. We had a fun time and enjoyed playing 7 on the line with everyone!

Heres Uncle Ryan thinking he's hot. jk He was a cute Uncle to Porter.

Doggie pile on Porter!! I took a cute picture of this but it didn't turn out and then when James did it again it made Porter mad, but I promise he was happy the first time.

Heres a fun video of Porter just hanging out. Love you all and we had such a wonderful Thanksgiving with all our family!!