Well, what a weekend! Friday was a really frustrating day at work. I had a little 24 hour flu and had been up in the middle of the night visiting with the toilet. That morning I had to go to work and I wasn't feeling well so I was impatient and there was a lot to do. That afternoon I got home and found these flowers on the table with a sweet note from James. He really knows when I need a little extra love and he is always so good to make me feel special! He is such a wonderful husband! I thought the flowers were beautiful and springy.

Saturday James and I got up and watched the First session of Conference. The spirit was so strong as we each stood and sustained the new Prophet. It was exciting to know that all the members around the world will stand and sustain Pres. Monson as the Prophet of the world. What a wonderful experience, that was.
Sunday, we went and visited the Petersen side of the family. We went to my Grandma Petersen's for Conference Breakfast, it was delicious! We had a lot of fun visiting and listening to Conference. Here are some pictures of a few of us I should have taken more but I was lazy.

James, My Great Uncle Willie, and my cousins Becky, Brianna, and Taelyn, and in the back Eric.

Here's my cousin Lindsey, and the top of Tressa's head.

My cousin Julie looking beautiful and holding her niece Tressa.

Tressa is my cousin Dan and his wife Emily's little girl.

Looking so pretty!

Taelyn and Tressa

What a silly girl, she loved having her picture taken. She would smile so big at the camera flash. You almost needed a second camera to get her smile after the flash. Its so crazy to have this side of the family starting to have little ones.
We went to my Grandma and Grandpa Larsen for Lunch later that day, and got to see my Aunt Deanne and Uncle Royce and a few of their kids. Also my Aunt Jan and two of her kids were there it was so nice to get to see everyone. We celebrated my Grandma Larsen's Birthday and had really good carrot cake!
After we left we went to my Uncle Ron's Aunt Stacy's they had a TV that they didn't need anymore and had offered it to us. It is so nice!! We love being able to sit on our couch and watch TV rather then pull our couch across the floor in order to see the TV. Thank you Ron and Stacy! We had a very fun weekend and enjoyed seeing family! It was also a beautiful spiritual conference which made the weekend that much better.