We are alive!! Sorry it has taken me so long to post what has been happening in our lives. We are now in Colorado living with my Parents so James can finish school and get his accounting degree. James is currently working at a Chevy Dealership and I should be starting my job as a school age teacher at a Kinder Care.
Here are some pictures of what we have been up to the last few months.
We celebrated my Dads birthday early since he is in the Marshal Islands.
Happy Birthday Dad!!
Porter we unhappy until....

He was given more cake!!

Dad making his Birthday wish,

James and Ryan we're in charge of cooking his Birthday Dinner. They made dutch oven pork and grilled ribs with grilled pineapple.

Porter has been getting into everything! He loves anything paper that he can rip up. He has been standing by himself and laughs at his accomplishments. The other day he grabbed his toy hammer and chased my parents 2 small dogs around trying to bop them on the head with the hammer.

Porter found a microphone to a karaoke machine and had a ball talking into it.

We had the opportunity to go to back to back Rockies games. We took Porter to the second one, and he loved the clapping, music and the POPCORN!!

Porter loved all the music and food at the celebrations. We had a fun trip, but we had to leave Diego for James parents to take care of while we live with my parents. It was sad to leave him and I know Porter misses crawling all over him.

Here is our moving trailer all ready for us to unload in Denver.

This was moving all our stuff into the trailer. We really appreciate all the friend and family that offered to help us. We couldn't have done it without you all. We had quite the caravan to Denver. We had our 3 cars, my moms van, and my brother in laws truck and trailer that James parents drove out.

My mom and sisters helping pack up the kitchen.

The weekend we moved we also had Diego fixed, he was like a bull in a china cabinet, with all our moving boxes and people.

I have so much more to update, and I will get more pictures on here over the next couple days. Thank you and we love you all.