We had a really fun 24th of July!! My mom came up to pick up Kirsten, and to bring us all of our baby stuff! It was really exciting. We went down to Ogden to their Pioneer Celebrations. They had a patriotic display at the fair grounds. I think that had 5,000 flags on display representing the number of Military men and women that have been killed in Operation Iraq Freedom. They had them laid out in the shape of the united states. They also had a yellow ribbon on the flags with a deceased soldiers name and hometown on it. It was an amazing site!! When we got there they weren't quite all set up yet. They were there for 2 weeks I think.

Later that day James met up with us and Kirsten and my mom went to the Ogden Pioneer Day Rodeo. Kirsten hadn't ever been to a rodeo so she was really excited. I didn't take any pictures of the Rodeo, because my camera battery died on me, but we had a lot of fun. I did take this video of the motorcycles they had right before the fireworks. Of course I took a video of the less dangerous of the rides, but I still thought it was really fun.
Overall the weekend was very very fun!! I gained a renewed respect for the pioneers and what they sacrificed for their freedom of religion and their belief in Zion.
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