Welcome to the Holman Reunion!

Grandma Holman or also known as Grandma Ruth had her 90th Birthday on April 9th this year. Her family wanted to get everyone together for a big bash and reunion. We went to Colorado and had the reunion on the 6th. Everyone got together and ate lunch and took millions and millions of pictures. :) They had put together books of genealogy for everyone to look at and a video of pictures of each person and family. It was fun to see all those pictures from so long ago.
This is a picture of James and all of his cousins except for 2 who couldn't make it. I'm sure you've noticed the shirts. They have a kid swinging off Grandma Ruths tree that she has in her front yard. It was fun to have everyone in the same shirts, they were very cute.

We had a great time just visiting with everyone, we played a lot of games and as always ate a ton of yummy food. Here's Baron riding their 4 wheeler. They also had their motorcycle, but I didn't get any pictures them riding it.

This one is of Chaz, being a wild man. He's hard to get a picture of, he kept running away so I had to be sneeky. He was playing with an air soft gun, pretending to shoot his brothers and James as they drove the 4 wheelers by.

Here's Alec and Baron, they had so much fun riding that 4 wheeler. By the end of the day Alec was able to ride the motorcycle all by his self without any help turing or anything. James and Aaron were pretty excited to not have to help him turn anymore. :)

Tori got a sno cone maker for her birthday. We bought her some fun flavors and she became an excellent sno cone chef. She kept me nice a cool with sno cones galor. I was very thankful for the ice.

As you'll be able to tell from the next pictures, little Denver was the star of the camera. She was such a doll and her brothers love her like crazy. Anytime we held her and they ran by they always stopped to maker her smile or to give her a loving brother kiss.

This is Casey, she is Jasons cute and wonderful girlfriend. They recently moved out to Logan so we get a chance to hang out with them quite a bit. We enjoy having them around!

This is Jason its not a very good picture, but it was to cute to see her snuggling her uncle Jason.

We had a great time, but as always it went way to fast. I just want to thank Jim and Linda for giving us a place to sleep and feeding us. We love you all and miss you.