Well, this will be the mother of all posts, I have been bad about blogging and when that happens that means that you will have a huge post eventually. You might want to take a few days to get through it all. We have had a crazy couple of weeks. Since my last post we have had 2 doctor apts. Everything is looking really good and I'm feeling good especially these past couple of days I feel like I have more energy. The first of the 2 apts. our babies heart beat was 171. That was crazy to hear, I told the doctor the heart beat sounded like a train and he commented that as long as it doesn't make a choo choo sound he was fine with me thinking that. Our last apt was last Wed and the heart beat was 152. We are just so excited and can't wait for our next apt. That will be June 9th and we will find out what we are having!!!
Other than that I had my 24th Birthday on April 22, Wahoo! I had to go to my internship that day and had to take a computer test on campus so it was kind of boring and I knew James would have to work late helping a friend with his car problems. James had taken Thursday off so we could spend the day together. Well to my surprise I got home after my test and everything, and walked into our apartment to find that James had decorated the whole house with streamers and balloons and a big Happy Birthday Sign. He also had baked a cake and had bought me some new flip flops that I had been wanting. I could believe it, I cried and call him and told him how much I love him. Of course he wasn't there he still had to work, but I felt so loved. Later that night I was able to blow out my candles! And a little side note the streamers were blue and pink for the baby. :)

Thursday I really wanted to get out and go somewhere we had never been. So we decided to go to the Golden Spike Monument. That where the trains from the west and the east met. I think thats what it is. Anyway we also found this thing that was a few more miles away called the Spiral Jetty. So we figured we would check it out also. Well we drove to the Monument and it looked so run down and nothing like I expected. It would cost us 5 dollars to get in, so we decided not to go and to drive to the Spiral Jetty instead. Well the road to the Spiral Jetty said you needed 4 wheel drive and we took our car. So we decided to brave it anyway. The road was bumpy and we had to go slow but it was only the last 1/2 mile that we couldn't drive so we walked. We got out and the mosquitoes were everywhere!!! We get there and it was more lame than the monument.

Basically its some crazy mans idea of art. He hauled out huge lava rocks into the Great Salt Lake and positioned them in a spiral. Lame I know.

You can just see how happy we were to be there. ;)

The best part were all the baby cows along the drive. We actually had a really fun time, in a really weird way. We were starving so we stopped at a Dennys and had Breakfast for Dinner. YUM! All in all it was a fun Birthday and it gave us a lot to laugh about.

These 2 pictures are off my office at my internship. It was a pretty big office, and as you can see I had a computer and printer, all that jazz. It was a fun and wonderful learning experience. I was sad to leave but excited to be graduating.

Saturday May 2nd I Graduated from Utah State University! My parents and the girls came out and so did James parents and his sister Tori. Friday we all went to a park and had a cook out. We Celebrated Larissa Birthday which was May 3rd. She was so cute and all the girls had fun playing. We went to a little zoo and fed this one duck right out of out hands. It was really cool, I'll have to get the pictures from my mom. Saturday came and of course it was raining like crazy!!! I had been thinking that the whole ceremony would be boring and awful, and was just walking because my dad wanted me to. Now I am so glad that I did it, it was actually really fun and exciting to be with all those graduates. My parents and Nicole, Larissa, and Kirsten were there along with my Grandma and Grandpa Larsen, and James Parents and Tori, and Jason. And then to my surprise James Aunt Sharron and cousin Trina came all the way up from Spanish Fork Utah and Orem. I was so happy to see them there. I couldn't believe all the support!! I felt so blessed to have such a wonderful supportive family!

After the Ceremony, we all went out to eat at Iggy's that was a whole other crazy experience but it turned out well. We all had a good time and sang Happy Birthday to Larissa (she was so embarrassed!) Just as we were about to leave and the Kentucky Derby started so we waited a few minutes and Tori guessed the right winner! We had so much fun. I just wanted to thank everyone who came! That meant so much to me. Also I was to thank all of my family that send your love in other ways. I have such a wonderful family and extended family. Thank you all!!
Well, we all know yesterday was mothers day. We woke up and made a big breakfast. Then I ran to the computer to check craigslist (to check on baby items) James knew I would eventually end up at the computer and I had sat on presents that he put on our computer chair under a blanket. I was so surprised that he had gotten me anything! Turns out he had ideas that I kept ruining so he finally called my mom and got some more ideas. I have such an amazing husband especially when he is willing to call my mom, not many guys are willing to do that. I got a willow tree figuring of a pregnant woman, and a cute book on Mother Secrets, and a card for my first mothers day. Of course I cried, and again felt so lucky and blessed to be married to such a wonderful man. Church was good and they gave all the women a long stemmed rose.

After church we went for a drive and were able to call Ryan!! He sounded so good, and happy. I loved talking to him and hearing his accent.
We both called our moms and talked to them. I'm so grateful for my mom. She is such a support and a rock in my life. She can always make me laugh and think about things in a new way. She has been a craigslist stocker with me trying to find killer deals on baby stuff. She is so strong in the gospel, I'm always amazed at her faith. I love you mommy!!