Hey, Well we just got back from Colorado on Tuesday! We had a great time visiting everyone. We left early Thursday and got to Denver in time to surprise the girls coming home from school. We took two dogs down, one for My family and one for my mother in-law. It was a good drive especially with two dogs. That night we went to my good friend Esther's Wedding Reception! She looked so beautiful, and they are so much in love. I was glad we were able to be there for their big day.
The whole point of the trip was to go to Sanford to our new nieces baby blessing. Here is a picture of cute little Denver Cheyenne Holman in her blessing dress. She is such a doll! Denver was such a cute baby while we were there she was so much fun to hold and try and make smile. I'm sure James and I looked ridiculous with all our goos and gagas trying to get a smile.

Here is the whole family with their new sister. All those boys are so proud of their little sister.

Here is a picture of Jim and Linda and Tori with the baby.

We also had our Christmas while we were there. Yes Christmas in February! We decided to wait and have our gift exchange when everyone could be home. Here are the three boys with their Christmas from us. They have just recently got into the new Star Wars so they were really excited with their action figures.

We also had Alec's Birthday party while we were there and he was so excited! If you can't tell ;)

Grandma and Grandpa got Alec a Star Wars light saber and an costume. He was so excited and he put it on immediately and didn't take it off till bed, and it was back on the next morning.

I took this picture with one of the features on my camera, I just thought it was cool.

Here is James and little Denver. So Cute!

This is a picture of me with the new little one. We loved her outfit.